lauantai 9. helmikuuta 2013

Cabbage Casserole and Kangaroo Steaks

Eli kaaliaatikkoa ja kengurupihveja. Tuossa muutama viikko takapaerin lauantaina oli taalla Australiapaiva (26.1.), joka on vahan kuin itsenaisyypaivan vastine. Jengi tosin ottaa sen taalla vahan rennommin kuin itsenaispaivan Suomessa. On konserttia, puistotapahtumaa ja tarkotuksena on ottaa rennosti, viettaa aikaa ystavien ja perheen kanssa, ehkapa kera hyvan ruoan ja juoman. Lauantai ei kuitenkaan ollut yleinen vapaapaiva, koska suurimmalla osalla se oli muutenkin vapaa. Mulla ei. Illalla kuitenkin kerkesin syoda ystavien kanssa ja hassunhauskasti toteutimme taman saksalaisessa ravintolassa. Hofbrauhouse ei sinansa ravintolana ollut ollenkaan hullumpi, mutta melkoinen valinta Australiapaivalle. :D No, se rentoutuminen ja ystavathan oli se tarkein juttu.

Sunnuntai ja maanantai (joka puolestaan oli kansallinen vapaapaiva) kuluivat rattoisasti aussiperheeni kanssa heidan "mokillaan". Parempi ilmaus olisi kakkosasunto. Siella sitten grillailtiin ja sain vihdoin maistaa kengurua. Oli muuten eri maukasta, melko riistaisa ja taytelainen maku. Hengailtiin, chillailtiin, ja kokkailtiin, lueskeltiin yms. Valilla on erittain tervetullutta olla tekematta mitaan. Mokilla myos oli perheen lisaksi sukua ja ystavia, etta ihan ei vallan paassyt erakoitumaan.

@ Hofbrauhouse with friends

A wiew nearby the cottage

Lamingtons made by my Aussie sister and me

Cabbage Casserole

Blueberry Pie (the bigger piece. The smaller cake is made by a family friend)
Mina kokkasin ison padallisen kaalilaatikkoa seurueelle. Kiitoksena siita, etta saan uuden aussiperheeni luona majailla. Jalkkariksi tein mustikkapiirakkaa, joka kerasi kasan kehuja ja katosi parempiin suihin hyvin nopeasti. Itse paaruokakin maistui hyvin, mutta mustikkapiirakka oli selkea voittaja.

About three weeks ago (Sat 26.1.) was Australia Day and I was working. Here is heaps of different events and concerts on that day. Since working the day the highlight for me was a dinner with friends. Especially they were friends I hadn't met for a good while. They had chosen Hofbrauhouse as for dinner place. It was a nice German restaurant although German restaraunt is a bit funny choice for Australia Day, don't you think? The most important thing was to have good time with friends and have a nice dinner, as we did so all good at the end. :)

Sunday and Monday was days off for me. Yes, I really had to days off in a row. We went to their summer cottage with my Aussie family. We simply chilled out, read books, hang out together, did nothing much and cooked -all that you should be doing at the summer cottage. My Aussie dad was kind enough to put some kangaroo on the grill when we had a barbeque and so I got finally to try it. It was delicious, the taste was rich and quite gamy. Besides the family, there was some family friends around as well.

I cooked a huge potful of Finnish Style Cabbage Casserole for all the people as to thank my Aussie family for all they have done for me. I also baked some Blueberry Pie as for dessert too, Finnish Style of course. everyone said to me it was delicious and they just demolished the pie. Cabbage casserole got some thanks too, but blueberry pie was the obvious winner.