lauantai 30. maaliskuuta 2013

I found a love...

... in a hopeless place. A handsome aussie man, who will marry me and will live with me happily ever after? No, not that kind of love. It's something I still am waiting for. :D But I found something better instead. The love of God. And that God really does exist.

This happened in Sydney about four months backwards. As you have probably guessed by now, this is the change I have mentioned in this blog before. How did it all happen? I was walking on the street, saw the light from the sky and deep voice told me that God loves me? No, no fireworks and no drama or anything really amazing or unusual.

I just had recently thought a lot about the meaning of life and what will happen when we die. I just felt there's must be more to life than just to party etc and then one day would die and that would be the end. Although I enjoyed myself in Sydney, it all seemed so meaningless without greater purpose. Then one night I prayed pretty much (in Finnish) in these words "God if you really exist, give me a sign. The kind of, that I'll recognise."

The next day I was in the park when a man came to talk to me. He asked me if know Jesus. I knew straight away that this was the sign I had been praying for. The man told me about the basics, how Jesus died on a cross for my sins, for the whole world's sin and was raise to life so that I could have personal relationship with God & eternal life.

I just wanted to share my story with anyone who reads this. From now on my blog is not gonna be about God only, but I will write about my life and do it from my Christian point of view. If you have any questions about my faith or anything, feel free to comment or shoot me an email ( I will try and do my very best to reply in a reasonable time frame. Sometimes I may have quite long break without having a chance to use internet, so I apologise if my reply takes more than a while. I promise to reply everyone.

Happy Easter my dear readers!

Ps. I decided to write my blog only in English, because it's so much easier than writing bilingual blog. Most of my Finnish readers understands English anyway.

sunnuntai 10. maaliskuuta 2013

Too long time no seen

Onpas taas ihan huomaamatta vierahtanyt liian pitka tovi viime postauksesta. Tyopaikanvaihdos, kampanmetsastys ja 6787 muuta tekosyyta ovat pitaneet minut aika hyvin kiireisena. Nykyaan oon siis feissari ChildFund Australialle. Jos joku olisi vuosi sitten minulle sanonut, etta tulen joskus olemaan feissari ja nauttimaan siita, olisin passittanut hanet psykologille alta aikayksikon. Koskaan ei pitaisi sanoa ei koskaan, tulipa taas kerran todettua. :D

Sosiaalinen elamanikaan ei aivan taysin ole kuollut, oon hengaillut kavereiden kanssa, osallistunut festreillekin, nahnyt vihdoinkin Les Miserables jne. Oli muuten upea nain elokuvana. Osa teista saattoi huomatakin, etta kirjoitin uusiksi profiiliesittelyni ja toisessa postauksessa kasittelen paremmin blogini muutosta, niin kuin aikoja sitten lupasin. Ajattelin, etta selkeampaa omistaa sille ihan oma postaus. Tallaista siis kuuluu tanne puolelle maailmaa.

Picture from
It's been way too long since my last posting here. Time just flies without me even noticing. Changing job, apartment hunting and 6787 other excuses have been keeping me quite busy. Now I'm a funraiser for ChildFund Australia. If someone would've told me a year ago that one I'd be a fundraiser and enjoying it, I would've sent that someone to psychologist very quickly. Never say never -proved true once again. :D

My social life haven't been completely dead either, I have been hanging out with friends, gone to festival and finally caucght Les Mis etc. It was a really good movie. Some of you may have noticed I wrote new introduction of myself for my profile and the other post I'll write, is going to be more closly about the change of my blog. Just like I promised ages ago. I though it would be more readable if it were it's own post. So that's how is life on this side of the world.